Learn more about our Independent Living programs.

Where do you provide Independent Living services?

Carpentaria provides Supported Independent Living in Darwin, Palmerston and Alice Springs.  

What are your current vacancies?

View our current vacancies for Supported Independent Living here.

If these vacancies don’t feel like the right fit, please contact intake@carpentaria.org.au or 8920 9400 to discuss your individual requirements so we can find a home that suits you.

What sort of activities do you do at home and in the community?

A wide range of activities are available and supported, depending on participant preference, goals and interests. A tailored daily program is developed in consultation with participants and their wider support network.

For example, activities like cooking, gardening, crafts, exercise, games and spending time with friends and family are supported at home, while volunteering, shopping, art classes, café outings and scenic drives can be facilitated by our team in the community, depending on individual choices.

Each of our homes are allocated with a vehicle to facilitate outings and community access activities.

Is staff training provided?

Investing in our people is a top priority. All staff are equipped with a comprehensive induction and two day intensive orientation training when joining Carpentaria’s team.

Our orientation training focuses on a wide range of topics including:

  • What person-centred, active support looks like
  • Positive approaches to behaviour management
  • Human rights, health, and wellbeing
  • Meal time management
  • Carpentaria’s Code of Conduct, Values and Principles of Good Practice

Investing time in our staff and sharing knowledge across disciplines strengthens our delivery of high quality services across all Carpentaria programs. Ongoing training and professional development grows the capability of our workforce, and ensures staff are confident and knowledgeable when providing support. All employees have access to ongoing specialist disability training and a comprehensive online training library.

When additional staff training requirements are identified based on individual participant support needs, training is sourced and delivered by the appropriate practitioners to ensure staff are well-equipped to support participants. This may include:

  • Epilepsy care
  • Stoma care
  • Catheter care
  • Advanced mealtime management and PEG feeding

What qualifications do your staff have?

Carpentaria requires all support workers to hold, at a minimum:

  • A Certificate III in Individual Support (or equivalent)
  • NDIS Worker Screening clearance
  • Ochre Card
  • First Aid and CPR certification
  • NT Drivers Licence

We value the life experience, lived experience, work experience and transferrable skills of our diverse workforce. Our team have a range of qualifications that allow a multi-disciplinary and collaborative approach for participants diagnosed with a range of neurodevelopmental disorders, physical disabilities, and psychosocial disabilities.

What supervision is provided to staff?

Each of our homes and team of Independent Living Coaches (Disability Support Workers) is overseen by a Team Leader, a house Coordinator and a Manager. An on-call Coordinator and Manager are also available after hours.

Team meetings, regular training and implementation meetings, and post-incident interviews and debriefings are facilitated on a regular basis. As a responsible employer of a diverse workforce, we promote our Employee Assistance Program and actively share wellbeing activities and initiatives for staff members.

How do you work collaboratively with stakeholders?

Carpentaria uses effective stakeholder management processes to support participants accessing multiple service providers. Stakeholder meetings ensure consistency, a shared vision, and a collaborative approach to outcomes and supports.

Carpentaria liaises with participants and their support network to identify likes and interests, and to develop a community access schedule to ensure participants can engage in activities of their choice.

Regular team meetings provide opportunities for external providers to deliver additional training relating to an individual’s support needs, and Care Team meetings are held regularly with the wider stakeholder group, providing opportunities for all engaged service providers to attend.

How do you share information with guardians?

Our team regularly communicate with guardians to share updates, report on achievements and discuss any concerns. The regularity of communication is tailored to the wishes of individual guardians. The frequency, topics and preferred communication method are confirmed during the intake process.

At a minimum, monthly reports about goal progression, activities and new skills are distributed to all guardians.

How do you support connections to family, culture and country?

We understand that connections to family, culture and country are important to participant wellbeing. We support individuals to attend family gatherings and cultural and sporting events wherever possible.

Carpentaria is committed to improving the quality of life for everyone we support. Our team endeavour to support participants to remain connected to their family, friends and country in meaningful ways. Connection may be supported through food, cooking, music, and art, as well as return to country visits.

How do you deliver best practice supports?

Carpentaria’s Values, Principles of Good Practice, and human rights framework provide a foundation for how we provide support. We provide a person-centred approach in all services and supports.

We understand that the individuals we support may experience adversity and barriers in their everyday life, and that participants and support workers may be affected by trauma. Carpentaria is experienced in delivering person-centred supports for participants with a history of complex trauma, using an approach that promotes physical, emotional, spiritual, and cultural safety.

How do you meet the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission’s requirements?

Carpentaria’s Quality and Practice team support Carpentaria’s service delivery. Guardians receive regular reports on participant progress, and these are often shared with other providers, with consent.

Carpentaria’s comprehensive incident management system forms part of our Practice Governance Framework. Incident data is used to identify issues, mitigate risks and improve service quality. We have a thorough understanding of our obligations under the National Disability Insurance Scheme Quality and Safeguarding Framework.

How do you support participants with restrictive practices?

Carpentaria is committed to upholding the rights and personal freedoms of the individuals we support. All staff undertake mandatory orientation training in human rights and behaviour support to meet our commitment to uphold the rights of people with disability.

We are committed to reducing and eliminating restrictive practices and we actively work towards this. This includes regular environmental assessments and working closely with Behaviour Practitioners to ensure the least restrictive option is always implemented. In addition, staff are trained in Maybo techniques that focus on de-escalation and proactive strategies.  

When Carpentaria participants have a restrictive practice in place, it is an expectation that all Behaviour Practitioners engaged to develop Behaviour Support Plans adhere to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (Restrictive Practices and Behaviour Support) Rules 2018.

Staff are trained to record behaviour data and monitor the use and implementation of all strategies and restrictive practice interventions.  

We proactively monitor Behaviour Support Plans and authorisation notice expiration dates. Carpentaria escalates matters with the Behaviour Support Provider, Support Coordinator, guardian, NT Senior Practitioner, and the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission Practice Quality Division as required.

How do you keep participant information and details private?

Carpentaria is committed to protecting participant privacy at all times. We adhere to the National Privacy Principles established by the Privacy Act 1988, and follow the law about how we can collect information, how we store information, who can see participant information and what we do with the information.

We need consent before collecting and sharing information. We only ask for information we need, and we explain why we need it.

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