Carpentaria has adopted a new visual identity and name, in preparation for our next stage of development with the introduction of the NDIS and the construction of a new community services hub.
The organisation will now be known as Carpentaria and will utilise a new logo. The star and compass components represent guidance and light, while the lower case font indicates friendliness, accessibility and inventiveness. The colours maintain a historical link to the former Carpentaria logo.
The implementation of the National Disability Insurance Scheme provides the opportunity to reposition our organisation to ensure that it provides quality services while remaining viable and sustainable. Carpentaria has also embarked on a major project to redevelop its existing location and establish a purpose-built administration facility to promote shared services and efficient service delivery, to allow community organisations with access to essential support services, allied health, education, training and direct care services.
Carpentaria continues to be a values-based and person-centred organisation which focuses on the needs and goals of individuals. We are committed to a philosophy that respects the rights of people with a disability to make informed choices about their lives and to receive the necessary support, information and encouragement to participate, and be included, in all aspects of community life.