The Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability was established on 4 April 2019 and will continue until 29 September 2023.

Carpentaria supports the Royal Commission and will provide information and data as required. We are committed to supporting participants who wish to make a submission to the Royal Commission.

How to get involved

You can share your experiences of violence, neglect, abuse or exploitation with the Royal Commission, by making a submission or applying for a private session with a Commissioner. Further information about making a submission is available here.

We can support you during this process, and can connect you with other specialist support services.

What is Carpentaria doing to protect participants and improve service quality?

Carpentaria’s Principles of Good Practice and Human Rights Framework guide the way all staff work with participants. Our training program has been expanded considerably to ensure that staff have the tools and knowledge to understand what is expected of them at all times. Carpentaria’s values of Honesty, Collaboration, Innovation and Respect also guide staff in terms of engagement, service delivery, business activities and decision making.

A robust Incident Reporting process was established in early 2018 and provides important information to guide ongoing improvement initiatives for both participants and staff. Carpentaria is also required to meet obligations under the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission, an independent agency established to improve the quality and safety of NDIS supports and services. We work closely with the Commission to ensure we are compliant and that our reporting is detailed and our response and actions support a continuous improvement culture

Carpentaria’s Whistleblower Policy also provides a flexible option for staff wishing to highlight opportunities for service quality improvements anonymously. A House Visitor initiative will be introduced shortly and is designed to support improved service quality in Carpentaria Supported Independent Living houses.

In addition, a comprehensive review of all Carpentaria policies has been completed to ensure a continued focus on high quality services and participant safety across all areas of the organisation.

Carpentaria has an open and transparent approach which is matched by a strong emphasis on ongoing and continuous quality improvement. This means that we welcome and take all feedback seriously.

Where do I go for further information?

An Easy Read Fact Sheet developed by the Australian Government Department of Social Services is available here.

Information from the Darwin Community Legal Service on how to get involved is available here.

Information about Relationships Australia NT Counselling and Support is available here.

Further information is available at the Royal Commission website here.


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