Short Term Accommodation is offered to families of children or adults with disabilities and high support needs through Carpentaria’s Home Away From Home program, providing short periods of time in a home setting with peers and skilled Independent Living Coaches.

Short Term Accommodation (sometimes referred to as Respite) provisions are tailored to meet individual client and family needs and caters for families from both urban and remote locations. Participants take part in activities they enjoy and could include swimming, horse riding, BBQs and picnics.

The Home Away From Home program provides:

  • Regular opportunities for families to take time out from day to day care responsibilities
  • A safe and nurturing home environment for people with disabilities, along with individual skill development and opportunities for social engagement and group activities
  • Support for families to develop community networks, support systems, skills and routines
  • Person-centred and family-centred support
  • Highly trained staff who are focused on delivering Person Centred Active Support

Carpentaria offers a responsive and flexible service, which is designed to meet the needs of your family. One off or sporadic requests for support are accommodated whenever possible.

Make an enquiry about Short Term Accommodation / Respite here.

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