

Carpentaria Disability Services is committed to delivering an accessible and inclusive experience for everyone accessing our services. We are continually improving our accessibility initiatives and strive to offer you an enjoyable and comfortable visit to Harry’s...
Support us

Support us

There are many ways to get involved with Carpentaria and support our work and the lives of participants. Read more about our current initiatives or contact us to discuss your ongoing involvement. Café at Harry’s Place The Cafe at Harry’s Place offers employment,...
Make a referral

Make a referral

Anyone can make a referral for Carpentaria services. Download a referral form for Therapy Services (Occupational Therapy, Speech Pathology, Physiotherapy, Psychology) Submit an online referral for SIL, STA, MTA, SDA, Pathways Program and Supported Employment Forward...
Contact us

Contact us

Phone and Fax: Phone: 08 8920 9400 Fax: 08 8945 0518 Address: Darwin office Harry’s Place Administration Building1 Willeroo Street, Tiwi Alice Springs office 2/9 Parsons Street, Alice Springs Postal address: PO Box 63, Karama NT 0813 Email: For general enquiries:...
Feedback, complaints & ideas

Feedback, complaints & ideas

Carpentaria welcomes your feedback about our work and our services. We are committed to supporting you to speak up and provide feedback about our services. We take your complaints, feedback and ideas seriously and value the opportunity to improve our services....
Subscribe to our newsletter

Subscribe to our newsletter

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