The transition into the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) has commenced for children with a disability in the Darwin/Palmerston region.
Carpentaria has been advised that the Northern Territory Government will cease providing funding for therapy sessions on the date that each NDIS plan commences. At this time, and to support the NDIS principle of Choice and Control, the responsibility for funding will shift from the Northern Territory Government to the NDIS participant/family (via their NDIS plan).
Carpentaria is committed to providing a seamless service during this period of transition. If you are currently receiving services from Carpentaria, please help us by:
- Letting us know when your NDIS planning meeting is scheduled
- Letting us know as soon as your NDIS plan has been approved
If you are thinking about using Carpentaria for your Allied Health requirements, please let us know which services you wish to access so we can plan for this.
To further support you, Carpentaria has engaged with the National Disability Insurance Agency’s newly appointed Early Childhood Partner (Early Childhood Australia) and plans to host an information session for families. Early Childhood Australia representatives will discuss their role in the NDIS process and how they will work with you and with Carpentaria and other service providers to achieve participant goals. Details for the information session will be distributed once they are confirmed.
We are committed to supporting families throughout the transition period and are happy to assist with enquiries or further information at any time. If you are interested in attending the information session, or would like more information, please contact or 8920 9400.