Carpentaria’s Therapy Services team for adults includes professionals from a range of disciplines, including Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, and Physiotherapy. The team caters for a range of individual requirements and focuses on positive behaviour, communication requirements and social engagement.

Carpentaria is a registered NDIS provider for Allied Health therapy services. Further details about the NDIS are available here.

Occupational Therapy

Some of the functions performed by Carpentaria’s Adult Occupational Therapy team include:

  • Assessment, treatment and education in all areas of daily life, considering the ‘whole person’
  • Disability equipment, for the bathroom, kitchen, bedroom etc
  • Home modifications such as grab rails, doorways, access, lighting and wet areas
  • Safe movement of clients, to benefit clients and staff
  • Practice of daily activities such as personal care, cooking and community access
  • Cognitive reviews relating to decision making, safety and functional activities
  • Falls prevention education and monitoring
  • Supporting staff to follow recommended client exercise and stretching programs
  • Referrals to other allied health and medical services
  • Recommendations to improve quality of life

Speech Pathology

Speech Pathologists work with people across the lifespan. They provide assessment, diagnosis and intervention(s) for people with speech, language, communication and swallowing needs. Speech pathologists work with a range of people who experience difficulty communicating because of brain injuries, learning disability, intellectual disability, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Cerebral Palsy, Dementia, hearing loss and other problems that can affect how a person communicates.

Speech Pathologists work closely with participants to provide:

  • Assessment and prescription of Augmentative and Alternative Communication devices
  • Oral eating and drinking care plans
  • Formal speech and language assessment and development of therapy programs
  • Communication training programs for those people working closely with participants


Carpentaria’s Physiotherapists tailors treatment to the specific needs of individuals and works closely with participants and their families to:

  • Restore, maintain and maximise a person’s physical strength, function and motion
  • Regain maximum movement after injury or illness
  • Improve balance and help prevent falls
  • Prescribe walking aids
  • Assist with pain management
  • Develop exercise and strengthening plans
  • Teach self-help skills to prevent injury or re-injury
  • Assessment and advice on orthotic devices including ankle and foot orthoses, shoe inserts and medical grade footwear
  • Refer to exercise groups or other health practitioners
  • Demonstrate transfers and manual handling task training and education
  • Provide upper limb splinting and supports
  • Provide respiratory care

Make a referral

The Request for Service form for Carpentaria’s Therapy Services is available here, or contact us for further details.